Admission criteria to PICU
To help distinguish which patients may benefit most from the limited number of ICU beds the following criteria are drawn up to facilitate decision making. However admissions are not restricted to these criteria (if in doubt: discuss)
- ICU bed available
- Reviewed by consultant
- Reversible condition
- Potential good outcome
- No chronic illness associated with poor prognosis
- Anticipated limited stay in PICU (relative)
- Requiring/ very likely to require intubation/ ventilator support (relative)*
*Failed CPAP
*Discuss early if threatened airway
If not referred to PICU
If patient does not qualify they should be admitted to the general ward (preferably HDU) or research ward.
Mode of contact
If in doubt discuss with paediatric consultant and call PICU consultant ideally using SBAR approach (see below).
Situation -
Patient's/ client's details, identify reason for this communication, describe your concern.
Background -
Relating to the patient/ client, significant history, this may include medications, investigations/ treatments
Assessment -
What is your assessment of the patient/ client or situation, this can include clinical impression/ concerns, vital signs/ early warning score
Recommendations -
Be specific, explain what you need, make suggestions, clarify expectations, confirm actions to be taken