Target disease surveillance

At the moment there are surveillances for acute flaccid paresis, measles and neonatal tetanus. If any case is suspected, immediately call the A and E surveillance team (see below) and notify them about the case. All samples collected should be handled in A and E by the team responsible. If uncertain on a case get in touch with any of the surveillance team members.

Contact persons

At QECH (Focal point person)

Chikondi Phiri (A and E) Daniel Mumba (A and E) Henderson Masanjala (A and E) Eunice Mkandawire (PSCW) and George Macheso (A and E)

At DHO Blantyre

Jean Kachara, EPI Coordinator

Acute flaccid paresis (AFP) surveillance

For management of flaccid paralysis see Paralysis


To strengthen AFP Surveillance in Malawi and thereby contribute to the goal of interrupting wild poliovirus transmission.

Case definition

Professional Case Definition
Any case of acute paralysis including guillain-barre syndrome (GBS), in a child less than 15 years of age for which no other cause is apparent, or a patient of any age diagnosed as polio by a medical officer.
Lay Case Definition Sudden weakness or paralysis in the leg (s) and/ or arm (s), not caused by injury in a child less than 15 years of age.

Case Detection, Notification And Investigation

Notify the surveillance focal person/EPI Coordinator and make sure case is reported For each case found:

Measles surveillance


To strengthen Measles Surveillance in Malawi towards measles elimination

Case Definition

Professional Case Definition
History of generalized blotchy rash and fever, and history of any one of the following: cough, runny nose, and/ or red eyes.
Lay Case Definition
History of rash and fever, and any one of the following: cough, runny nose, and/ or red eyes.

Case Detection, Notification And Investigation

Neonatal tetanus surveillance

For management of Tetanus see Tetanus


To strengthen NNT Surveillance in Malawi and thereby contribute to the goal of NNT elimination

Case definition

Suspected Case
Any neonatal death between 3 to 28 days of age in which the cause of death is unknown; or any neonatal death reported as having suffered from neonatal tetanus (NNT) between 3 to 28 days of age and not investigated. Specifically any neonate with a normal ability to suck and cry during the first 2 days of life, and who between 3 and 28 days of life cannot suck normally and becomes stiff or has convulsions or both.

Case Detection, Notification And Investigation